Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scott Brown wins U.S. Senate Seat: Coakley Implodes

(Photo appeared in Boston Herald, by Matthew West)

Call it what you want. The Shot Heard Around the World. The Massachusetts Miracle. Either way, Scott Brown pulled off the political upset of the century. Democrats are now very afraid. He won 52 to 47 percent.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Happy New Year everyone. We didn't blog as much in 2009. Hopefully we find more time to contribute in 2010. Obama has lost his popularity this year. His Health Care Reform efforts have created a huge Republican movement. Tea Parties have erupted across the country.

Now even in MA, a Republican, Scott Brown is about to be elected on Tuesday to "Ted Kennedy's" Senate seat.

2010 looks to be a great year for Republicans. It's possible for us to take back the House and the Senate.

In 2009, we also took the Governor's offices in NJ and VA.