The phrase above is very familiar to comic fans. It was coined by the creator of Spider-Man, Stan Lee.
It's truth also applies to foreign policy though, especially in today's dangerous world. After Peter Parker was bitten by an irradiated spider and acquired super-human strength, but before he dedicated his life to fighting crime, he was a wrestler. One day, a man that was being chased by police passed Peter. Peter could have easily stopped the man. He didn't. "Why should I care?" He thought to himself.
Later on, Peter found out that the criminal whom he let escape killed his Uncle Ben. His life was forever changed and he always tried to use his power to fight crime and make the world a better place.
This comic book lesson should be taken seriously by the United States, specifically Democrats like Senator Barack Hussein Obama.
Recently Barack Obama stated that preventing genocide was not reason enough to stay in Iraq. Bad things happen when genocide takes place. Just take a look at Hitler and Germany. Hitler first started his genocide of Jews in Germany and then expanded it to the rest of Europe. Genocide quickly becomes everyone's problem. And since the United States is still the superpower in the world (Thank God we are), we should do what we can to prevent that before genocide comes knocking on our doorsteps.
Barack has shown an immaturity on the campaign trail. His positions such as Iraq withdrawal show a childish tendency to leave difficult situations merely because they are difficult and because they are unpopular.
That's not how mature adults act. Thankfully President George W. Bush is steadfast and has the resolve to maintain our efforts in Iraq.
Barack, go back to the State Senate in Illinois. You were much better there than on the national stage.
I also love how Barack's call for "age appropriate" sex education for kindergartners is being spun by his press people. His press people are now saying that he meant kindergartners should be taught about what kind of touching is appropriate so that they will be better protected against child predators. Why didn't he just say that at first if that's what he meant? Also, why would you describe that as sex education? I would call that self-preservation and safety talk. It's obviously not what he meant at first.
I think Barack really meant he wanted to start sex eduction at that tender young age. Obviously, its a horrible idea and it would be unpopular. Barack didn't realize that until after he made the comment. Now his press people are trying to clean up the mess.
Kudos to Governor Mitt Romney for hammering Barack on this issue.
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