(Picture of Debbie
Almontaser from NY Times)
There is nothing like the beginning of a new school year. I look back fondly to my school days. The weather starts to get colder. College football begins. The mad rush to the bookstore. The excitement of finding out what friends are in your classes.
This year, along with the usual excitement, there is some controversy in Brooklyn over a new school called the Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA). A major focus of this school is the Arabic language and Middle East culture. So far, 53 students have enrolled at the KGIA. The school will eventually teach students grades 6-12.
The first principal of this school was Debbie Almontaser. Almontaser was a full-fledged Islamist. She has won an award from CAIR. She has denied Muslim involvement in the 9/11 attacks. In fact, she defended T-shirts that were circulating in Manhattan called "Intifada NYC." She tried to downplay the violent connotation that the word "Intifada" has.
After weeks of criticism and calls for her resignation, she finally withdrew from her position.
Danielle Salzberg (an Orthodox Jew) is slated to be the next principal.
This school is a horrible idea. Yes, the United States needs more Arabic speakers. There is no denying that. We need loyal American Arabic speakers though. Kids at the tender age of grades 6-12 do not have the intellectual backing to distinguish fact from fiction when it comes to Middle Eastern culture. They are very susceptible to indoctrination and Islamists can't wait to influence these young minds.
Most Arabic language instructors are huge Islamists. Oftentimes, they come from countries such as Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. Their national allegiance resides with these countries still. They just flock to the country of liberty and prosperity. They want the American dollar and First Amendment, but hate the country that provides this.
Do we want these people teaching our children?
I could be wrong and the teachers of KGIA could be very good teachers without a political agenda. My experience tells me not to hold my breath though.
This blog will try to keep you updated on this school. For more info, see Daniel Pipes blog:
He gives the whole story if you are interested.
Should our tax dollars be paying for a school that can easily turn into a factory for Islamists?
Please vote:
a) Yes
b) No
c) No opinion