This blog is a huge fan of Mitt Romney but we do have some concerns in light of his recent Iowa radio show appearance and his response to Sam Brownback's challenge during the last Republican debate.
For one, during his recent radio appearance in Iowa, the host challenged Romney on his Mormonism. When he was off the air (but with the tape still running) Romney argued that Mormons don't believe that Jesus Christ will come again to Missouri. He repeated this and told the radio host he was wrong for thinking this.
A quick search on the LDS website brings up this.
It explicitly says that the Church believes Jesus Christ will come again to the New Jerusalem, or Missouri. Either Romney doesn't know his church theology well or he is trying to obfuscate voters on this matter.
Another concern is his response to Sam Brownback's attack ad on Abortion. During the debate, Romney said that he was tired of people being holier than thou because they were pro-life for a longer time. I agree with Romney on that but my question to him is: Why did it take you this long to consider the importance of unborn life? Why did it take you until a bill concerning embryonic stem cell research was brought to your Governor's desk, before considering the importance of these issues?
At the age of 15, I understood that abortion was wrong and that people need to fight for life, especially unborn life. I can't imagine how a thoughtful person wouldn't come to a conclusion on this issue earlier in life than 58?
Just something to think about.
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