(official picture from www.in.gov)
A lot of people have asked me what I think of Mitch Daniels--the Governor of Indiana. He gave an interesting speech at CPAC with his "raison debt" quip. If he won, as a short, bald man, he would defy conventional odds. Mitt Romney would probably feel cheated after all the years of maintaining perfect hair,and a perfect, Presidential appearance.
Daniels won by 18 points in a year when Indiana turned Blue for Obama (2008).
He is recognized for competence. And he is remembered for his tour across the state
during the campaign staying in the houses of Hoosiers across the state.
He definitely appeals to the average man more than Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, and others in the Presidential field.
But he also lacks the necessary charisma and excitement.
These are huge factors in a Presidential campaign. If people don't get excited about you, you generally lose. (See McCain in 2008; see Dole in 1996). Obama is not good at many things, but he is certainly good at energizing his base. Before long, he will be in front of his fans, shouting "Si se puede" and "You fired up?"
Indiana might be balancing budgets (?-help me out here readers), but the state has tons of problems. It is a state built on manufacturing (whether RV's or automobiles). And with those loss of jobs, came a comcomitant increase in crime especially in the cities. Daniels, as chief executive of the state, needs to crack down on criminals and robbers. Indiana is also known for its underground meth industry. He needs to work better with federal authorities to crack down on the meth labs popping up left and right.
How will Daniels do in the debates? Well it depends on who else is there. He will fare well against Sarah Palin. His knowledge about government and budget details (mainly from his time as head of the Office of Management and Budget under George W. Bush)will confuse Sarah Palin who cannot even recall what newspapers she reads on a daily basis (see interview with Katie Couric).
But compared to other possible candidates like Gingrich, Santorum, and Mitt Romney, he will come across as a nice, smart individual---but very unexciting.
Mitch Daniels, we would love to hear more from you. Welcome to the 2012 field. But we suggest you show up to the debates on your motorcycle. You need to increase your excitement level. But we like how you relate to the common man.
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