Friday, June 29, 2007

Win for Fairness in Education

The "Supreme Court declared Thursday that public school systems cannot seek to achieve or maintain integration through measures that take explicit account of a student's race." (New York Times, "Justices Limit the Use of Race in School Plans for Integration," Linda Greenhouse, 6/29/07)

5-4 decision

re: programs in Seattle & Louisville, KY

Majority: Chief Justice John G. Roberts
Antonin Scalia
Clarence Thomas
Samuel Alito
Anthony Kennedy

Dissent: Stephen Breyer
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
David Souter
John Paul Stevens

"The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."
-Chief Justice John Roberts

Vigilant London

London has once again proven very adept at thwarting terrorist attacks. Here is the most recent example:,,70131-1272910,00.html

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Welcome to Winds of Change. This blog is purely designed to promote freedom in the Middle East, promote Western Civilization, and defend you against liberals and all their machinations. I am an American who considers his country the greatest country in the world. I believe America is a force for good. I am also a Christian and believe in an all-powerful God who created us.
America is faced with many problems:
a) Dangerous world due to the current state of the Middle East
b) A liberal ethos pervading America

B) basically allows A) and the terrorists to infiltrate America. This is a huge problem. People who sympathize with terrorists are infiltrating our education system, intelligence agencies, and other government posts. This needs to be stopped and exposed. This Blog will try to play a role in combatting Islamists and all that they stand for.

Please feel free to comment on future postings. Be honest and be critical. I enjoy a good argument.