Friday, August 31, 2007

People we should profile

(Picture of Megahed from AP)

Ann Coulter gave a very trenchant explanation for how to prevent terrorist attacks. She said that first we have to find the enemy. When a pattern develops regarding the types of people that comprise the enemy, if almost all of them are Extremist Muslims, it's no longer racial profiling but a description of the enemy.

In Florida, we have another case of Muslim extremists exploiting America's university system for their own benefit while plotting our destruction.

Two Egyptian students, Megahed and Mohamad, students from the University of South Florida, were charged with transporting weapons across state lines. These weapons were highly explosive.

Kudos to law enforcement for catching them. Hopefully law enforcement everywhere will apply the same aggressive tactics using the description of the enemy for help.

Michigan for Mitt

If Michigan does wind up with the first primary, this will be very favorable to Governor Mitt Romney. Not only was Mitt born there but his father, George Romney, served as a two-term Governor. His father was generally well-liked and gives Mitt the name recognition that he needs.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Khalil Gibran International Academy

(Picture of Debbie Almontaser from NY Times)

There is nothing like the beginning of a new school year. I look back fondly to my school days. The weather starts to get colder. College football begins. The mad rush to the bookstore. The excitement of finding out what friends are in your classes.

This year, along with the usual excitement, there is some controversy in Brooklyn over a new school called the Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA). A major focus of this school is the Arabic language and Middle East culture. So far, 53 students have enrolled at the KGIA. The school will eventually teach students grades 6-12.

The first principal of this school was Debbie Almontaser. Almontaser was a full-fledged Islamist. She has won an award from CAIR. She has denied Muslim involvement in the 9/11 attacks. In fact, she defended T-shirts that were circulating in Manhattan called "Intifada NYC." She tried to downplay the violent connotation that the word "Intifada" has.
After weeks of criticism and calls for her resignation, she finally withdrew from her position.
Danielle Salzberg (an Orthodox Jew) is slated to be the next principal.
This school is a horrible idea. Yes, the United States needs more Arabic speakers. There is no denying that. We need loyal American Arabic speakers though. Kids at the tender age of grades 6-12 do not have the intellectual backing to distinguish fact from fiction when it comes to Middle Eastern culture. They are very susceptible to indoctrination and Islamists can't wait to influence these young minds.
Most Arabic language instructors are huge Islamists. Oftentimes, they come from countries such as Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. Their national allegiance resides with these countries still. They just flock to the country of liberty and prosperity. They want the American dollar and First Amendment, but hate the country that provides this.
Do we want these people teaching our children?
I could be wrong and the teachers of KGIA could be very good teachers without a political agenda. My experience tells me not to hold my breath though.
This blog will try to keep you updated on this school. For more info, see Daniel Pipes blog:
He gives the whole story if you are interested.
Should our tax dollars be paying for a school that can easily turn into a factory for Islamists?
Please vote:
a) Yes
b) No
c) No opinion

Monday, August 20, 2007

What Women Want

(Picture from the movie)

This blog rarely watches movies but we couldn't help seeing What Women Want on Friday. It was on TV and we had nothing to do. Plus the premise, a man gaining the ability to read the mind of women, was too priceless to ignore.

At first glance, this movie is a classic chick-flik, ie. something a guy would never ever watch unless on a date. But nonetheless, it kept my attention for several reasons.

First, Helen Hunt looks stunning in this movie. I have never considered her attractive until I saw this movie. Maybe I just haven't seen enough movies starring her.

Second, this movie does give some insight into the workings of a women. Although like any movie, this is a fictional work, women must have helped with the scenes in which Mel Gibson is hearing their inner thoughts. Some of the inner thoughts must be accurate.

Third, the movie takes place in Chicago, a city in which I have always wanted to live. There are tons of shots from the city.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, I strongly recommend it, both for guys and girls.

More Unfair Criticism Towards Israel
Israel is not allowing refugees from Darfur to use Israel as a safe haven. As usual, this has provoked criticism.

It's ironic that when Jews were being persecuted all over Europe and being killed by Hitler, no country allowed them a safe haven. Now the world expects them to do what wasn't done for them.

Look, Israel has enough on its plate already. It is trying to defend its people in an incredibly hostile neighborhood. It can't deal with anymore problems. The situation in Darfur is horrible, but lets blame and punish the Muslim radicals behind it, not Israel.

Liberals and Arabs want an influx of people injected into Israel in order to change the demographic situation in Israel. It's another way for outsiders to try and undermine the state of Israel.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


(Picture from Fox News)

Jose Padilla, an American citizen, aided and abetted terrorists. He is also a terrorist himself. Today justice was finally served. He was convicted.

According to the Associated Press, "Padilla and co-defendants Adham Amin Hassoun and Kifah Wael Jayyousi face life in prison because they were convicted of conspiracy to murder, kidnap and maim people overseas. All three were also convicted of two terrorism material support counts that carry potential 15-year sentences each."

Al-Qaeda is trying to recruit our own American citizens to attack us. They are finding fertile ground specifically with disenchanted African Americans and Hispanic Americans.

Hopefully this case will dissuade any other American traitors from becoming a terrorist.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Silence that Hurts

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Israel is always being persecuted unfairly. Now a British academic union is proposing a boycott of Israeli academic institutions. Thankfully, 286 American colleges and universities are opposing this boycott and have signed a petition against it. Several big name Boston area schools are noticeably missing from the petition. These schools include:

-Boston University
-Boston College
-Amherst College
-Wellesley College

How can these schools not stand behind academic freedom? How can they not reach out to one of America's greatest allies?

More importantly, how can they censure a country whose human rights record (when evaluated fairly) is far superior to so many other countries who are not being boycotted?

If we should start boycotting academic institutions, let's boycott all the Academic institutions in Arab countries. Let's boycott all the institutions in Asian countries. These countries surely have worse human rights records. Israel doesn't stone women for being seen in public without supervision like in Middle Eastern countries. Israel also doesn't kill people and then sell their organs like China.

No, Israel has a healthy rule of law and does its best to protect its citizens and innocent lives in other countries that it attacks. Notice, during the Israel-Hezbollah war of 2006, before bombing Hezbollah, Israel would always shower the area with pamphlets so civilians would have a chance to escape.

Now is not the time to withdraw support from Israel. It's time to stick with our friends and voice our support. Shame on those Boston schools who failed to stand by Israel.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Romney Concerns

(Picture from the AP)

This blog is a huge fan of Mitt Romney but we do have some concerns in light of his recent Iowa radio show appearance and his response to Sam Brownback's challenge during the last Republican debate.

For one, during his recent radio appearance in Iowa, the host challenged Romney on his Mormonism. When he was off the air (but with the tape still running) Romney argued that Mormons don't believe that Jesus Christ will come again to Missouri. He repeated this and told the radio host he was wrong for thinking this.

A quick search on the LDS website brings up this.

It explicitly says that the Church believes Jesus Christ will come again to the New Jerusalem, or Missouri. Either Romney doesn't know his church theology well or he is trying to obfuscate voters on this matter.

Another concern is his response to Sam Brownback's attack ad on Abortion. During the debate, Romney said that he was tired of people being holier than thou because they were pro-life for a longer time. I agree with Romney on that but my question to him is: Why did it take you this long to consider the importance of unborn life? Why did it take you until a bill concerning embryonic stem cell research was brought to your Governor's desk, before considering the importance of these issues?

At the age of 15, I understood that abortion was wrong and that people need to fight for life, especially unborn life. I can't imagine how a thoughtful person wouldn't come to a conclusion on this issue earlier in life than 58?

Just something to think about.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Why Iranian culture is inferior to ours

(Pic from AP)

This picture says it all. Like they say, a picture tells a thousand words.

Misfortune or Opportunity?

In a recent AP article, Philip Elliot describes the current state of John McCain's campaign.

"His staff drastically reduced and his organization nearly broke, McCain flies commercial instead of on private jets, carries his own luggage and relies on supporters to drive him to events, including one that pulled away from a Rotary meeting last week with a flat rear tire."

While some may see this as the continued unraveling of a Presidential campaign, McCain might find opportunity here.

Most Americans do not and will not ever fly on private jets. Most of us know the commercial airline experience too well: long lines, annoying co-passengers, and flight delays. This experience might bring McCain closer to the average American citizen. Everyone likes a good populist and not some "too-good-for-normal-people" politician.

McCain should relish this opportunity to get to know voters first hand. He should make friends on the commercial flights and show Americans that he is truly one of them. That's what we need right now. McCain has never had it easy. He is the only top tier candidate to have ever served in our military. He served in Vietnam and was held as a prisoner of war for over five years. He thrives in difficult environments.

This could be what McCain's campaign needs right now. It could be what turns around his Presidential fortunes.