Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bravo Sarkozy

It's great to see a French leader doing the right thing, or at least thinking about doing the right thing. Since elected, French President Nicholas Sarkozy has proved to be different from previous French leaders like Jacques Chirac. Sarkozy has shown an understanding of the threat of Radical Islam and an intolerance to evil in the world.

Yesterday, Sarkozy took a stand for human rights by saying that he might possibly boycott the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in China. China's one party rule has been ruthless in quashing political opposition and anyone who doesn't think the way China wants them to think. They force people to have abortions. They resist the freedom of the press. They violently beat protesters.

China should not be the site of the Olympic Games. Only countries that prove themselves civil and humane should have that honor. It really doesn't matter that China is becoming an economic powerhouse. Socrates won the argument against Thrasymachus that Might doesn't necessarily trump Right. Justice isn't the will of the powerful.

Although France has a weak military and a population corrupted by unfettered liberalism, it's refreshing to see President Sarkozy taking such a principled and noble stand.

Bravo Mr. President!

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