Friday, October 24, 2008

Colin Powell's Endorsement of Barack Hussein Obama

The media and liberals are praising Colin Powell for being "intellectually honest" and supporting Barack Obama. It's a sign of his impartiality and fierce anti-partisan independence, right?

What about Scott McClellan, former White House Press Secretary? He also has stated his support for Barack. It's odd that a onetime Bush loyalist is now supporting the Democratic Presidential nominee, especially one as unqualified as Barack.

Powell and McClellan both have something in common: They both left the Bush administration on less than friendly terms. Powell left after admitting that he was pressured into overstating the WMD case to the United Nations, in the leadup to the war in Iraq. Somehow a grown man like Powell couldn't stand up for himself. The media also forgets that it was Powell's deputy, Richard Armitage, that admittedly leaked Valerie Plame's identity to the Press. Powell did nothing to punish Armitage for this breach of security. And also said nothing when taxpayers were pursuing Scooter Libby for the same leak.

McClellan also claimed to have been pressured to say untrue things at the microphone. He admits to having been caught in the "permanent campaign culture" that has dominated politics for the last twenty years. The late Tony Snow replaced McClellan and did a hell of a better job as Press Secretary. Snow was more eloquent, better spoken, and got along better with the press. McClellan on the other hand, stuttered, stammered, and acted nervous.

It's no wonder that both of these individuals, Powell and McClellan, both support Barack Obama. They feel betrayed by the Republican Party. They blame The Republican Party for their own inadequacies and their own failures. Barack might be the one they have been waiting for, but this opportunism will not be forgotten when the Republicans take back the White House in 2012 with a Romney/Petraeus Presidential dream team ticket.

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