Thursday, November 1, 2007

Democratic Debate

Sorry for my lack of posts of late. I have been pretty busy.

A couple of comments regarding the Democratic Presidential Debate on Tuesday. I am not usually a fan of Tim Russert, but he really gave Hillary Clinton some hard questions especially the National Archive one and the one regarding Eliot Spitzer's attempt to grant drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. These were hard questions for Clinton to address. She did a good job of not getting rattled. She gave some sort of an answer, although they were very evasive in nature.

The other candidates did a good job of calling her out on that.

Biden is the most likeable of the candidates. He is well-spoken and good natured. It's too bad the Democrats don't have the wisdom to nominate him. He is definitely aiming to be Secretary of State. We won't see him bashing any of his fellow candidates. Surely he doesn't want to stir any bad blood.

Here is my analysis of the winners and losers of this debate.


1. Joe Biden- He only got 6 or so minutes, but used them wisely.

2. Chris Dodd- His opposition to Spitzer's drivers license program will help him with moderates. He called having a driver's license a "privilege," not a right. It's one of the few sensible things I have ever heard him say.

3. Barack Obama- The fact that he challenged Hillary in this debate, especially on the National Archive issue helped him out. The politics of hope are dead.


1. Dennis Kucinich- He saw a UFO and with that sight, he lost any national electoral potential.

2. Hillary Clinton- This debate could be a turning point. She is finally being challenged and gave confusing and convoluted answers to the tough questions.

3. Bill Richardson- His emphasis on diplomacy and his refusal to go negative, will hurt him. I can't picture him leading the United States in the war against Islamofascists.

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