Word on the street is that General David Petraeus (Commander of the Multinational Forces in Iraq) is pondering a bid for the White House in 2012. This blog would wholeheartedly support Petraeus in a Presidential bid. We think he is the most qualified person in the country to be our Commander in Chief. He has shown sacrifice, dedication, and love of country, unlike most other leaders.
I'd vote for General Petraeus if he runs. But I'd also like to know some of the agendas as the president of the US.
Petraeus has been publicly commended by the likes of President Obama and acquitted himself very well during the Congressional hearings last year (without the use of a teleprompter). He is not a younger version of John McCain. John McCain was a retired Navy Captain, who had served honorably and bravely in a very bloody and unpopular war. However, he personally did not have a measurable impact on the outcome of that war one way or another. His combat record showed that he was a skilled A-4 pilot and his conduct during his long captivity demonstrated a high level of commitment to country and to fellow servicemen. For this he has the respect of the vast majority of Americans. However, respect alone was not enough for someone to go out and vote for him. This is where Petraeus has a serious edge over McCain, and possibly over President Obama in the event he does run in 2012. Petraeus is clearly a brilliant military strategist and very quick on his feet before a congressional committee (even while being grilled by disgruntled democratic congressmen, upset that he succeeded at defeating the Iraqi insurgents after many of them had publicly stated that they believed the war was lost). The fact that Petraeus is still young and vigorous is just icing on the cake.
As far as his policies go; Petraeus is a natural born leader and clearly very intelligent, he could have made a great deal of money working with Haliburton, or any of a number of other private contractors or even as a corporate executive. I believe that a man that has dedicated his life to the defense of our nation does not need to publish multiple autobiographies to prove that he is committed to seeing this country through these dark times without ulterior motives.
If he runs he will have my vote.
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