Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Steamroller Gets Rolled

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has decided to withdraw his plan to allow illegal immigrants to obtain drivers licenses. After much criticism and little support from his own state, not to mention complicating matters for Hillary Clinton's Presidential run, Eliot has done something he doesn't ordinarily do--back down from a challenge.

According to the New York Post cited above, if the election for Governor was today, Eliot would only receive 25% of the vote.

For a Harvard Law graduate, Eliot isn't used to receiving such low marks. (fyi, he got a 1590 on the SATs and a perfect score on the LSATs) This will surely bruise his ego. Of course, he will not blame his own stupidity for the plan, but instead will attack the Bush administration's "failure" for immigration reform.

If I am not mistaken, it was Bush who actually tried to reform the nation's immigration policy. It was intransigent Republicans and Democrats who tried defeating that effort.

Bush has taken on many of the nations tough issues including the Middle East, Social Security, and Immigration. Only on one front has he had much success, the Middle East. This isn't due to lack of trying or unsound policy, it's due to uncooperative Democrats and weak Republicans.

When Mayor Bloomberg decides to run for Governor of New York, the residents of New York will be able to oust Eliot and his myriad of illusions regarding the laws of this country and the Constitution. Let's see if Eliot's Harvard Law background can weather it.

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