Thursday, August 2, 2007

Misfortune or Opportunity?

In a recent AP article, Philip Elliot describes the current state of John McCain's campaign.

"His staff drastically reduced and his organization nearly broke, McCain flies commercial instead of on private jets, carries his own luggage and relies on supporters to drive him to events, including one that pulled away from a Rotary meeting last week with a flat rear tire."

While some may see this as the continued unraveling of a Presidential campaign, McCain might find opportunity here.

Most Americans do not and will not ever fly on private jets. Most of us know the commercial airline experience too well: long lines, annoying co-passengers, and flight delays. This experience might bring McCain closer to the average American citizen. Everyone likes a good populist and not some "too-good-for-normal-people" politician.

McCain should relish this opportunity to get to know voters first hand. He should make friends on the commercial flights and show Americans that he is truly one of them. That's what we need right now. McCain has never had it easy. He is the only top tier candidate to have ever served in our military. He served in Vietnam and was held as a prisoner of war for over five years. He thrives in difficult environments.

This could be what McCain's campaign needs right now. It could be what turns around his Presidential fortunes.

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