Thursday, December 13, 2007

Spending Money Unwisely

Nancy Pelosi has been on a spending spree of late. I am sure she does this all the time for her lavish wardrobe. This time though, it's with taxpayer money.

According to the New York Post, "Taxpayers have footed the bill for more than $16,000 in flowers sent from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi since she took power in January, it was revealed yesterday."

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Waterboarding Works

Apparently waterboarding does work. According to the NY Post, all it took was 35 seconds to get Abu Zubaydah to spill his guts about his conspirators. Zubaydah was a "top lieutenant to Osama bin Laden captured in March 2002." Since that day, he was very cooperative and answered all the CIA's questions.

If this tactic works this effectively on other terrorists, why not use it? Information from Zubaydah has apparently "disrupted a number of attacks, maybe dozens of attacks."

Friday, November 16, 2007

Great Picture

Picture from Michael Yon's website

Quote of the Day

This one comes from Google. Here is a little inspirational quote.

"Once you say you're going to settle for second, that's what happens to you in life."


Thursday, November 15, 2007

LAPD Caves to Muslim Community

Lacking the willpower to execute a great plan, the LAPD has announced that they are withdrawing their plan to map out the Muslim communities in the area. Originally they wanted to pinpoint areas in the city that were susceptible to radical indoctrination and organization.

This teaches the Muslim community that if they complain and cry "racism" or "discrimination," they will get their way.

Terrorists will use this to their advantage.

Prouty Update

Apparently Prouty had an even bigger role than first disclosed. She was apparently assigned to a very sensitive, CIA post in Baghdad. There, she often dealt with the de-briefings of high ranking al-Qaeda detainees.

Nada Nadim Prouty

As I mentioned in a previous blog, a woman with ties to Hezbollah, was employed at both the FBI and the CIA. Her name is Nada Nadim Prouty and she pleaded "guilty in Detroit federal court to secretly taking an unknown amount of classified information home with her." (NY Post).

To make matters worse, Prouty is an illegal immigrant. How in the world did all the background checks and vetting, that the FBI and the CIA are supposed to perform on potential employees, not detect this?

If it's that easy for someone to infiltrate our nation's intelligence services, than it wouldn't surprise me if there were more spies.

Not only is a Congressional hearing necessary, but a full-scale investigation of our nation's intelligence employees.

Quote of the Day

"When it takes two weeks and six different positions to answer one question on immigration, it's easier to understand why the Clinton campaign would rather plant their questions than answer them."

Bill Burton, Barack Obama's spokesman.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Steamroller Gets Rolled

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has decided to withdraw his plan to allow illegal immigrants to obtain drivers licenses. After much criticism and little support from his own state, not to mention complicating matters for Hillary Clinton's Presidential run, Eliot has done something he doesn't ordinarily do--back down from a challenge.

According to the New York Post cited above, if the election for Governor was today, Eliot would only receive 25% of the vote.

For a Harvard Law graduate, Eliot isn't used to receiving such low marks. (fyi, he got a 1590 on the SATs and a perfect score on the LSATs) This will surely bruise his ego. Of course, he will not blame his own stupidity for the plan, but instead will attack the Bush administration's "failure" for immigration reform.

If I am not mistaken, it was Bush who actually tried to reform the nation's immigration policy. It was intransigent Republicans and Democrats who tried defeating that effort.

Bush has taken on many of the nations tough issues including the Middle East, Social Security, and Immigration. Only on one front has he had much success, the Middle East. This isn't due to lack of trying or unsound policy, it's due to uncooperative Democrats and weak Republicans.

When Mayor Bloomberg decides to run for Governor of New York, the residents of New York will be able to oust Eliot and his myriad of illusions regarding the laws of this country and the Constitution. Let's see if Eliot's Harvard Law background can weather it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Security Breach

A woman with possible Hezbollah ties, who had worked both in the FBI and CIA, is now accused of a security breach. Check out the article above.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Clinton Campaign Unraveling,2933,310417,00.html

First, Clinton was guilty of "Doublespeak."

Now, it's planting questions in the audience.

What's next?

Friday, November 9, 2007

Savagery of a 23 year old girl

A 23 year old Muslim woman in Great Britain writes gory poems about beheadings and being a martyr. This is truly sick. How could someone think such horrendous thoughts?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Terrorists Come in All Shapes and Sizes

This jazz musician agreed to train members of Al-Qaeda in hand-to-hand combat. He will now serve 15 years in prison.

It just shows how Muslims all across the country are willing to help al-Qaeda. They are showing no loyalty to our country.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Targeting Teens

It seems like terrorists are now preying on society's most impressionable. Check out this article from the Wires published in the New York Post:

Britain's terror teens

Terrorists are recruiting British kids as young as 15 to carry out attacks on native soil, Britain's domestic spy chief warned yesterday.
Jonathan Evans, director-general of M15, Britain's counterintelligence agency, said, "Terrorists are methodically and intentionally targeting young people. They are radicalizing, indoctrinating and grooming young, vulnerable people to carry out acts of terrorism. This year we have seen individuals as young as 15 and 16 implicated in terrorist-related activity."
He also disclosed that M15 knows of at least 2,000 British-based people who pose "a direct threat to national security. And we suspect that there are as many again that we don't yet know of."

Great Idea

Fire intransigent State Department Officials who fail to implement Bush Doctrine and give their jobs to people who deserve them--injured members of the U.S. military.

Duncan Hunter makes a superb Congressman.

Members of the U.S. military are far more qualified than weak, feckless, people who have no experience other than a classroom.

Monday, November 5, 2007

General David Petraeus 2012

(Picture from the AP)

Word on the street is that General David Petraeus (Commander of the Multinational Forces in Iraq) is pondering a bid for the White House in 2012. This blog would wholeheartedly support Petraeus in a Presidential bid. We think he is the most qualified person in the country to be our Commander in Chief. He has shown sacrifice, dedication, and love of country, unlike most other leaders.

CUNY Recruiting

One Professor at CUNY, Susan O'Malley, is being accused of trying to recruit terrorists to teach at this city college. Check out the story above. O'Malley is now suing the professor who made the allegation.

There seems to be a trend here.

1) person helps terrorists

2) someone notices and brings to public's attention

3) terrorist sympathizer sues for libel

Friday, November 2, 2007

What McCain's strategy should be

This is what John McCain needs to do in order to salvage his campaign. He needs to emphasize the fact that throughout his adult life, he has served the country. Other candidates such as Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani, have been involved only in self-profiting endeavors. Where were Rudy and Mitt when the country needed them in Vietnam? We need a President who puts the country before himself. Running a business or being a lawyer does not make you qualified to be Commander in Chief.

McCain needs to make this distinction every step of the way and challenge the other candidates during the next debate on this. Call them out in person and make them respond.

Paul W. Tibbets

It's a sad day when a man cannot even die without worrying about protesters or other left wing nuts.

Paul W. Tibbets "reportedly told his family he wanted no funeral or headstone--so as not to give anyone a place to protest." (New York Post) He rather not have either than have Code Pink pyschos show up and make his family upset.

In the end, this American hero won.

In his immortal words,

"I didn't bomb Pearl Harbor
I didn't start the war,
But I was going to finish it."

God Bless Paul Tibbets!

Paul Tibbets: An American Hero

(Photo from the New York Post)

The man who effectively ended World War II, Paul Tibbets, passed away yesterday at the age of 92. Tibbets dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 from his B-29 bomber called Enola Gay (named as tribute to mother). The bomb was referred to as "Little Boy." As the New York Post writes, Tibbets was "a pilot of the U.S. Army Air Force's 509th Composite Group, based at Tinian in the Mariana Islands."

Despite lots of criticism, Tibbets never ever apologized for his action. As the Post writes, "He stoutly defended the dropping of the bomb, and claimed it never cost him uneasy moments: 'I sleep just fine.'"

May God Bless him.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Basketball Opening Night

Last night was Opening Night for many teams around the NBA. This blog is mostly dedicated to politics, but we do value sports. This is probably something that we can even agree with liberals on: the enjoyment of playing and watching sports.

Our team is the Chicago Bulls and unfortunately, they lost against the New Jersey Nets.

Nets - 112
Bulls- 103

Gordon led the Bulls in scoring with 27 points. Deng had 22 points. Duhon had six assists but left the game with an injury. Deng led the team with 11 rebounds.

Our favorite player is Allen Iverson, of the Denver Nuggets. Iverson and the Nuggets beat the Supersonics. Iverson had 25 points, 14 assists, and 7 steals.

Public Education

There is a great piece today in the New York Post by George Will. He writes about public education in Utah. Apparently, "Utah spends more than $7,500 per public-school pupil." This is "$3,000 more than the average private school tuition." Wow. Talk about the inefficient use of the dollar. Public schools need reform and competition, not more money.

Clintonian Nuance

(Picture from the AP)

Hillary Clinton: "What, what Governor Spitzer is trying to do is fill the vacuum left by the failure of this administration to bring about comprehensive immigration reform. We know in New York we have several million at any one time who are in New York illegally. They are undocumented workers. They are driving on our roads. The possibility of them having an accident that harms themselves or others is just a matter of the odds. It's probability...I did not say that it should be done, but I certainly recognize what Governor Spitzer is trying to do."
Tim Russert: Senator Clinton, I just want to make sure of what I heard. Do you, the New York Senator, Hillary Clinton, support the New York governor's plan to give illegal immigrants a driver's license? You told the New Hampshire paper that it made a lot of sense. Do you support his plan?
Hillary Clinton: "You know, Tim, this is where everybody plays 'gotcha.' It makes a lot of sense. What is the governor supposed to do? He is dealing with a serious problem. We have failed. And George Bush has failed. Do I think this is the best thing for any Governor to do? No. But do I understand the sense of real desperation, trying to get a handle on this?"

Democratic Debate

Sorry for my lack of posts of late. I have been pretty busy.

A couple of comments regarding the Democratic Presidential Debate on Tuesday. I am not usually a fan of Tim Russert, but he really gave Hillary Clinton some hard questions especially the National Archive one and the one regarding Eliot Spitzer's attempt to grant drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. These were hard questions for Clinton to address. She did a good job of not getting rattled. She gave some sort of an answer, although they were very evasive in nature.

The other candidates did a good job of calling her out on that.

Biden is the most likeable of the candidates. He is well-spoken and good natured. It's too bad the Democrats don't have the wisdom to nominate him. He is definitely aiming to be Secretary of State. We won't see him bashing any of his fellow candidates. Surely he doesn't want to stir any bad blood.

Here is my analysis of the winners and losers of this debate.


1. Joe Biden- He only got 6 or so minutes, but used them wisely.

2. Chris Dodd- His opposition to Spitzer's drivers license program will help him with moderates. He called having a driver's license a "privilege," not a right. It's one of the few sensible things I have ever heard him say.

3. Barack Obama- The fact that he challenged Hillary in this debate, especially on the National Archive issue helped him out. The politics of hope are dead.


1. Dennis Kucinich- He saw a UFO and with that sight, he lost any national electoral potential.

2. Hillary Clinton- This debate could be a turning point. She is finally being challenged and gave confusing and convoluted answers to the tough questions.

3. Bill Richardson- His emphasis on diplomacy and his refusal to go negative, will hurt him. I can't picture him leading the United States in the war against Islamofascists.

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Intangible Qualities of the President

From the New York Post re: President Bush's trip to the victims of the Southern California fires.

In a private moment, Jay Jeffcoat told Bush he was saddened to lose a lifetime of mementos. Chief among them was an autographed baseball from Nolan Ryan, signed to Jeffcoat's son Ryan, who was named after the Hall of Fame pitcher.
"Bush said, 'I'm going to fix that as soon as I get on to Air Force One. I'm going to call Nolan and get you that ball,'" Jeffcoat told the Post.
Bush, a onetime owner of the Texas Rangers, is good pals with Ryan.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Clinton Fundraising,0,4231217.story?coll=la-home-center

How likely is it that a poor dishwasher in Chinatown donated $1,000 or $2,000 dollars to Hillary Clinton's campaign?

This is very doubtful and appears to be the classic case of rich donors using the names and identities (probably with the permission of these people) to donate money to Hillary. It's their way of getting around the inconvenient $2,300 contribution limit.

The FBI or someone should investigate this closely. This could be the downfall of Hillary Clinton.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Syria at it again

Another anti-Syrian politician in Lebanon has been ruthlessly killed by a car bomb. Antoine Ghanem is the 8th notable anti-Syrian politician to be murdered in the last couple years. Ghanem, a member of the Christian Phalange Party, was killed along with 6 others in the Christian suburb of Sin el Fil located east of Beirut.

This assassination comes in a time of great political strife in Lebanon. The government of Fuad Sinoria finds itself in constant conflict with the Hezbollah-led opposition.

More importantly, the Parliament was scheduled to select a new President next week. This assassination was obviously an attempt by Syria to intimidate the Anti-Syrian forces in the hopes of either extending Emile Lahoud's already unconstitutional term, or by getting Parliament to pick a President amenable to Syria's wishes.

Either way, this situation needs to be watched closely. Since the Cedar Revolution, Lebanon has been a struggling democracy, gasping for breath despite regional conflicts and violence.

In the New York Sun today, Congresswoman from Florida, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen writes about the threat that Syria poses for the United States and the whole Middle Eastern region.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hobbton High School: No American Flags!

Unbelievable. First, people are attacking the concept of forcing students to say the Pledge. Then people attack the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge. Now, people want to ban clothes with the American flag.

Hobbton High School (in North Carolina) has decided to ban all clothes with any flags because in the words of the superintendent, they didn't want educators deciding which flags would be permissible.

Why would a flag on clothes be banned in the first place?
If we were going to ban flags, why not every country EXCEPT our own, the United States of America.

This is how a country becomes weak; when people are forced to lose patriotic feelings and unable to show their support for their own country.

Educators are horrible in this country. Most are highly unqualified to teach yet they have such a prominent role in the development of our children. All of them have a "politically correct" ethos, that doesn't want to assign value designations to anyone or anything.

Students should not follow this ban. Here is a classic case where civil disobedience should be utilized.

Imus Lawsuit Dropped

The Rutgers student who was suing Don Imus has dropped her lawsuit.

She claims that she wants to focus on her academics and athletics instead.

Let me translate. The lawsuit had no merit. Imus didn't damage her reputation. If anything it elevated her national status and gave her lots of sympathetic media attention.

People really need to toughen up and not take offense at everything. Our nation, as a whole, is becoming too sensitive.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th: The Day That Changed Our World

Right after the September 11th attacks, President Bush invoked Psalm 23. This is one of the most powerful psalms and is relevant for all the days of our lives.

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
May God Bless all those who died in these attacks and all those in the United States military who protect our freedom.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Reason Not to Withdraw

There are many reasons why the United States should not withdraw its 160,000 troops from Iraq. People often overlook some practical issues: namely removing all the equipment the U.S. has in Iraq. In the latest issue of Commentary, Max Boot writes how the U.S. has 45,000 vehicles in Iraq.

Think about this. It would take a colossal effort to remove that many vehicles. The worst move would be to leave those vehicles behind in an abrupt departure. Terrorists would take advantage of that and use these vehicles for their own benefit. We would essentially be arming the terrorists and insurgents.

Friday, August 31, 2007

People we should profile

(Picture of Megahed from AP)

Ann Coulter gave a very trenchant explanation for how to prevent terrorist attacks. She said that first we have to find the enemy. When a pattern develops regarding the types of people that comprise the enemy, if almost all of them are Extremist Muslims, it's no longer racial profiling but a description of the enemy.

In Florida, we have another case of Muslim extremists exploiting America's university system for their own benefit while plotting our destruction.

Two Egyptian students, Megahed and Mohamad, students from the University of South Florida, were charged with transporting weapons across state lines. These weapons were highly explosive.

Kudos to law enforcement for catching them. Hopefully law enforcement everywhere will apply the same aggressive tactics using the description of the enemy for help.

Michigan for Mitt

If Michigan does wind up with the first primary, this will be very favorable to Governor Mitt Romney. Not only was Mitt born there but his father, George Romney, served as a two-term Governor. His father was generally well-liked and gives Mitt the name recognition that he needs.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Khalil Gibran International Academy

(Picture of Debbie Almontaser from NY Times)

There is nothing like the beginning of a new school year. I look back fondly to my school days. The weather starts to get colder. College football begins. The mad rush to the bookstore. The excitement of finding out what friends are in your classes.

This year, along with the usual excitement, there is some controversy in Brooklyn over a new school called the Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA). A major focus of this school is the Arabic language and Middle East culture. So far, 53 students have enrolled at the KGIA. The school will eventually teach students grades 6-12.

The first principal of this school was Debbie Almontaser. Almontaser was a full-fledged Islamist. She has won an award from CAIR. She has denied Muslim involvement in the 9/11 attacks. In fact, she defended T-shirts that were circulating in Manhattan called "Intifada NYC." She tried to downplay the violent connotation that the word "Intifada" has.
After weeks of criticism and calls for her resignation, she finally withdrew from her position.
Danielle Salzberg (an Orthodox Jew) is slated to be the next principal.
This school is a horrible idea. Yes, the United States needs more Arabic speakers. There is no denying that. We need loyal American Arabic speakers though. Kids at the tender age of grades 6-12 do not have the intellectual backing to distinguish fact from fiction when it comes to Middle Eastern culture. They are very susceptible to indoctrination and Islamists can't wait to influence these young minds.
Most Arabic language instructors are huge Islamists. Oftentimes, they come from countries such as Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. Their national allegiance resides with these countries still. They just flock to the country of liberty and prosperity. They want the American dollar and First Amendment, but hate the country that provides this.
Do we want these people teaching our children?
I could be wrong and the teachers of KGIA could be very good teachers without a political agenda. My experience tells me not to hold my breath though.
This blog will try to keep you updated on this school. For more info, see Daniel Pipes blog:
He gives the whole story if you are interested.
Should our tax dollars be paying for a school that can easily turn into a factory for Islamists?
Please vote:
a) Yes
b) No
c) No opinion

Monday, August 20, 2007

What Women Want

(Picture from the movie)

This blog rarely watches movies but we couldn't help seeing What Women Want on Friday. It was on TV and we had nothing to do. Plus the premise, a man gaining the ability to read the mind of women, was too priceless to ignore.

At first glance, this movie is a classic chick-flik, ie. something a guy would never ever watch unless on a date. But nonetheless, it kept my attention for several reasons.

First, Helen Hunt looks stunning in this movie. I have never considered her attractive until I saw this movie. Maybe I just haven't seen enough movies starring her.

Second, this movie does give some insight into the workings of a women. Although like any movie, this is a fictional work, women must have helped with the scenes in which Mel Gibson is hearing their inner thoughts. Some of the inner thoughts must be accurate.

Third, the movie takes place in Chicago, a city in which I have always wanted to live. There are tons of shots from the city.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, I strongly recommend it, both for guys and girls.

More Unfair Criticism Towards Israel
Israel is not allowing refugees from Darfur to use Israel as a safe haven. As usual, this has provoked criticism.

It's ironic that when Jews were being persecuted all over Europe and being killed by Hitler, no country allowed them a safe haven. Now the world expects them to do what wasn't done for them.

Look, Israel has enough on its plate already. It is trying to defend its people in an incredibly hostile neighborhood. It can't deal with anymore problems. The situation in Darfur is horrible, but lets blame and punish the Muslim radicals behind it, not Israel.

Liberals and Arabs want an influx of people injected into Israel in order to change the demographic situation in Israel. It's another way for outsiders to try and undermine the state of Israel.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


(Picture from Fox News)

Jose Padilla, an American citizen, aided and abetted terrorists. He is also a terrorist himself. Today justice was finally served. He was convicted.

According to the Associated Press, "Padilla and co-defendants Adham Amin Hassoun and Kifah Wael Jayyousi face life in prison because they were convicted of conspiracy to murder, kidnap and maim people overseas. All three were also convicted of two terrorism material support counts that carry potential 15-year sentences each."

Al-Qaeda is trying to recruit our own American citizens to attack us. They are finding fertile ground specifically with disenchanted African Americans and Hispanic Americans.

Hopefully this case will dissuade any other American traitors from becoming a terrorist.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Silence that Hurts

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Israel is always being persecuted unfairly. Now a British academic union is proposing a boycott of Israeli academic institutions. Thankfully, 286 American colleges and universities are opposing this boycott and have signed a petition against it. Several big name Boston area schools are noticeably missing from the petition. These schools include:

-Boston University
-Boston College
-Amherst College
-Wellesley College

How can these schools not stand behind academic freedom? How can they not reach out to one of America's greatest allies?

More importantly, how can they censure a country whose human rights record (when evaluated fairly) is far superior to so many other countries who are not being boycotted?

If we should start boycotting academic institutions, let's boycott all the Academic institutions in Arab countries. Let's boycott all the institutions in Asian countries. These countries surely have worse human rights records. Israel doesn't stone women for being seen in public without supervision like in Middle Eastern countries. Israel also doesn't kill people and then sell their organs like China.

No, Israel has a healthy rule of law and does its best to protect its citizens and innocent lives in other countries that it attacks. Notice, during the Israel-Hezbollah war of 2006, before bombing Hezbollah, Israel would always shower the area with pamphlets so civilians would have a chance to escape.

Now is not the time to withdraw support from Israel. It's time to stick with our friends and voice our support. Shame on those Boston schools who failed to stand by Israel.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Romney Concerns

(Picture from the AP)

This blog is a huge fan of Mitt Romney but we do have some concerns in light of his recent Iowa radio show appearance and his response to Sam Brownback's challenge during the last Republican debate.

For one, during his recent radio appearance in Iowa, the host challenged Romney on his Mormonism. When he was off the air (but with the tape still running) Romney argued that Mormons don't believe that Jesus Christ will come again to Missouri. He repeated this and told the radio host he was wrong for thinking this.

A quick search on the LDS website brings up this.

It explicitly says that the Church believes Jesus Christ will come again to the New Jerusalem, or Missouri. Either Romney doesn't know his church theology well or he is trying to obfuscate voters on this matter.

Another concern is his response to Sam Brownback's attack ad on Abortion. During the debate, Romney said that he was tired of people being holier than thou because they were pro-life for a longer time. I agree with Romney on that but my question to him is: Why did it take you this long to consider the importance of unborn life? Why did it take you until a bill concerning embryonic stem cell research was brought to your Governor's desk, before considering the importance of these issues?

At the age of 15, I understood that abortion was wrong and that people need to fight for life, especially unborn life. I can't imagine how a thoughtful person wouldn't come to a conclusion on this issue earlier in life than 58?

Just something to think about.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Why Iranian culture is inferior to ours

(Pic from AP)

This picture says it all. Like they say, a picture tells a thousand words.

Misfortune or Opportunity?

In a recent AP article, Philip Elliot describes the current state of John McCain's campaign.

"His staff drastically reduced and his organization nearly broke, McCain flies commercial instead of on private jets, carries his own luggage and relies on supporters to drive him to events, including one that pulled away from a Rotary meeting last week with a flat rear tire."

While some may see this as the continued unraveling of a Presidential campaign, McCain might find opportunity here.

Most Americans do not and will not ever fly on private jets. Most of us know the commercial airline experience too well: long lines, annoying co-passengers, and flight delays. This experience might bring McCain closer to the average American citizen. Everyone likes a good populist and not some "too-good-for-normal-people" politician.

McCain should relish this opportunity to get to know voters first hand. He should make friends on the commercial flights and show Americans that he is truly one of them. That's what we need right now. McCain has never had it easy. He is the only top tier candidate to have ever served in our military. He served in Vietnam and was held as a prisoner of war for over five years. He thrives in difficult environments.

This could be what McCain's campaign needs right now. It could be what turns around his Presidential fortunes.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More Surge Success

Yesterday, Michael O'Hanlon (Brookings Institution) and Kenneth M. Pollack (Saban Center for Middle East Policy) wrote an Op-ed for the New York Times praising the surge. They both recently returned from an eight day trip to Iraq.

They pointed out several things to be optimistic about.

1. The morale of American soldiers there has increased.

They write: "Today, morale is high. The soldiers and marines told us they feel that they now have a superb commander in Gen. David Petraeus; they are confident in his strategy, they see real results, and they feel now they have the numbers needed to make a real difference."

2. Decreased loss of innocent life.

They write: "[C]ivilian fatality rates are down roughly a third since the surge began."

3. Bad Iraqi partners have been rooted out

They write: "American advisors told us that many of the corrupt and sectarian Iraqi commanders who once infested the force have been removed. The American high command assesses that more than three-quarters of the Iraqi Army battalion commanders in Baghdad are now reliable partners."

4. Increased ethnic participation and cooperation

They write: "The Iraqi Army's highly effective Third Infantry Division started out as overwhelming Kurdish in 2005. Today, it is 45 percent Shiite, 28 percent Kurdish, and 27 percent Sunni Arab."

5. Iraqi population is fighting back against Al-Qaeda

The Iraqi population is getting fed up with Al-Qaeda's Sharia Law, violence, and stealing of their women. The people are fighting back.

They write: "The most important and best-known example of this is in Anbar Province, which in less than six months has gone from the worst part of Iraq to the best (outside the Kurdish areas). Today the Sunni sheiks there are close to crippling Al Qaeda and its Salafist allies."

( Quotes from "A War We Just Might Win" by Michael E. O'Hanlon and Kenneth M. Pollack published in the New York Times on July 30, 2007)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Alex Jones sounds like Iranian leaders

(From the website of Alex Jones)

Recently a Radio Talk Show host named Alex Jones caught my attention. He is based in Texas and calls himself a "conservative."He is also the leader of the "9/11 Truth" movement and contends that the Bush administration and members of the United States government caused the 9/11 attacks.

Coincidentally, his notions have an eerie similarity to those espoused by Hossein Sheikholeslam, the former Iranian Ambassador to Syria and member of the Foreign Policy and National Security Council in the Iranian Parliament. Please see transcript below.

Just like Sheikholeslam, Jones's theory is complete bunk and should be discarded from American political debate. I am all for the First Amendment but these 9/11 Conspiracy theories of the attack being an "inside job" are so untruthful, so bizarre, and so malignant, that they should be given no attention. Sure, Alex Jones has every right to say this rubbish, but people also have the right not to listen.

Although he calls himself a conservative and supports Ron Paul for President in 2008, I strongly believe he is a liberal in disguise trying to downplay the terrorist threat.

Stay tuned for more on this.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Reasons to Vote for Giuliani

Although Mitt Romney is the current favorite of this blog, Rudy Giuliani is giving us reason to look more favorably upon him. First, he is a strong advocate of the King Amendment, a law designed to protect citizens from lawsuits for reporting suspicious activity. This stems from the lawsuit filed by imams who were kicked off a United Airlines flight.

Good Presidents have good people behind them. Giuliani has recently picked some good advisors concerning the Middle East. Among this select group are several neoconservatives including Norman Podhoretz.

Friday, July 20, 2007

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

(Picture from the AP)

The phrase above is very familiar to comic fans. It was coined by the creator of Spider-Man, Stan Lee.

It's truth also applies to foreign policy though, especially in today's dangerous world. After Peter Parker was bitten by an irradiated spider and acquired super-human strength, but before he dedicated his life to fighting crime, he was a wrestler. One day, a man that was being chased by police passed Peter. Peter could have easily stopped the man. He didn't. "Why should I care?" He thought to himself.

Later on, Peter found out that the criminal whom he let escape killed his Uncle Ben. His life was forever changed and he always tried to use his power to fight crime and make the world a better place.

This comic book lesson should be taken seriously by the United States, specifically Democrats like Senator Barack Hussein Obama.
Recently Barack Obama stated that preventing genocide was not reason enough to stay in Iraq. Bad things happen when genocide takes place. Just take a look at Hitler and Germany. Hitler first started his genocide of Jews in Germany and then expanded it to the rest of Europe. Genocide quickly becomes everyone's problem. And since the United States is still the superpower in the world (Thank God we are), we should do what we can to prevent that before genocide comes knocking on our doorsteps.
Barack has shown an immaturity on the campaign trail. His positions such as Iraq withdrawal show a childish tendency to leave difficult situations merely because they are difficult and because they are unpopular.
That's not how mature adults act. Thankfully President George W. Bush is steadfast and has the resolve to maintain our efforts in Iraq.
Barack, go back to the State Senate in Illinois. You were much better there than on the national stage.
I also love how Barack's call for "age appropriate" sex education for kindergartners is being spun by his press people. His press people are now saying that he meant kindergartners should be taught about what kind of touching is appropriate so that they will be better protected against child predators. Why didn't he just say that at first if that's what he meant? Also, why would you describe that as sex education? I would call that self-preservation and safety talk. It's obviously not what he meant at first.
I think Barack really meant he wanted to start sex eduction at that tender young age. Obviously, its a horrible idea and it would be unpopular. Barack didn't realize that until after he made the comment. Now his press people are trying to clean up the mess.
Kudos to Governor Mitt Romney for hammering Barack on this issue.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Steam Explosion

(Picture from Fox News)

New York City got a wake up call on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 when a steam pipe exploded beneath the street near 41st and Lexington Avenue. It occured around 6 pm and sent many people scurrying away from the area. The first thought to pop into people's minds was terrorism.

The picture above almost looks like a shot from 9/11. Luckily it was not terrorism but just a steam pipe bursting. Probably a combination of the humid weather, massive amounts of steam circulating below the streets of Manhattan, and the rain on Wednesday.

Unfortunately, over 20 people were hurt and one person died. The response by NYC officials was pretty fast. It can be noted though that members of the media arrived before any firefighters or police. That sort of troubles me.

The city blames the age of the pipe, which was over 80 years old. Since many of the city's pipes are that old, I am surprised this doesn't happen more often. Hopefully, Con Ed and the City will look into this more carefully.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another Success: Capture of Khaled al-Mashhadani

(Picture from Fox News)

Today it was reported that one of al-Qaeda's key Iraqi operatives, Khaled al-Mashhadani, was arrested. He is considered the "highest ranking" Iraqi member of the Iraqi branch of al-Qaeda. He is a close friend of Abu Ayub al-Masri, an Egyptian by birth, who serves as the head of al-Qaeda in Iraq.
al-Mashhadani acted as a channel between Osama bin Laden, Masri, and Zawahiri.
Catching al-Mashhadani is a success and should be treated as such by the media. Now that we have him, we need to find out what he knows by whatever means necessary, whether it be waterboarding, sleep deprivation, or drastic climate changes.
This success is similar to last summer, June 2006, when Al-Zarqawi was killed. This strike was an important rebound after we failed to kill Zawahiri with an air-strike in Pakistan (Jan 2006).

Oil Could Up the Ante in Iraq

(Map from Fox News)

So it is believed that Iraq might have more oil than we initially thought.

This could certainly up the ante and importance of Iraq. Do we want terrorists to seize a nation with such a valuable resource? They could use the oil to bribe other countries. This could threaten the global economy. They could also use profits from selling oil to purchase weapons of mass destruction.

At the same time, this information could compel Iran to interfere more with Iraq. Iran doesn't want a stable, democratic Iraq next door to compete in the oil business. Currently, Saudi Arabia has the largest oil reserves in the world, following by Iran.

If Iraq has as much oil as they estimate in this article, Iraq would take the number two spot and bump Iran to third. Iran's oil won't be as important to the world and their regional power could be diminished.

Let's keep a close eye on this revelation. It could affect the War In Iraq.

Abortion on Demand

(Picture Courtesy of the Edwards campaign website)

The Democratic Presidential candidates are once again expressing their views on abortion.

Standing before the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Elizabeth Edwards praised her husband's universal health care plan because it included "pregnancy termination."

Wow! I have never heard abortion be described in such sterile terms before: "Pregnancy termination." There is no mention of killing a human being. There is no mention of the mental trauma that abortion can inflict on a woman. It is as easy as turning off a light switch.

Another point, why do we care what Elizabeth Edwards says? She isn't running for President, John is. I realize that in terms of public relations, it makes sense to have a woman speak about reproductive rights since liberals consider women to be the sole authority on that issue even though the babies being killed are both women and men. Unfortunately, I only have so much time in a day to pay attention to politics. I frankly don't want to listen to the wives of Presidential candidates. Hearing the Presidential candidates themselves is painful enough.

I must say though, it's disheartening to see leaders in our country de-value life the way pro-abortion advocates like John Edwards do.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama also expressed an interest in formulating a health plan that includes greater access to abortion.
Barack, if I were you, I would examine abortion's impact on African Americans. You might change your mind after doing some reading.
According to Day Gardner, the President of the National Black Pro-Life Union, "Since 1973, MORE THAN 44 million unborn children have been legally killed in this country--of those killed almost 15 million of them where black."
The number of illegal abortions that killed African Americans cannot even be counted. But I am sure that number is also fairly large.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Barry Bonds

(Picture from MSNBC)

Barry Bonds is so close to breaking Hank Aaron's career home run record. He is four shy of matching Aaron's record of 755 career home runs.

Even if he breaks the record, Barry's legacy will be tainted with accusations (most likely true) of steroid use.

Here are some interesting statistics from his career:

In 2001, he hit 73 home runs!

In 1990, he stole 52 bases. This is surprising since he rarely even runs to first nowadays.

In 2002, his batting average was a whopping .370.

Growing up, I watched Barry Bonds and Bobby Bonilla on the Pittsburgh Pirates. Unfortunately, they were never really a good team. Their jerseys were cool though and their team name "Pirates" sounded intimidating.

His relationship with the press has always been turbulent as well.

I haven't really formulated an opinion concerning Bonds. On one side, I hate cheaters and I think only people who play by the rules deserve to win. At the same time, this isn't a wrestling match. He still has to make contact with the ball and swing the bat a certain way to crank the ball out of the park. Hitting a pitch thrown by a major league pitcher is no easy task. So Bonds does deserve some credit.

I wonder if he was a nicer person, if that would affect his standing with both the fans and baseball concerning this controversy.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Well written summation re: weak Republicans

You can always expect eloquent and accurate writing from the Weekly Standard. Personally, I look forward all week long to Bill Kristol's latest editorial. Check out his latest for a great summation of the situation concerning Republicans who have abandoned the President on the issue of Iraq.

"Lugar, Voinovich, Domenici, and Warner are not the future leaders of the Republican party, or of the country. Now is the time for those who wish to be leaders to step forward. Now is the time for them to stand against the defeatism of the pre-9/11 Republicans and to stand with Capt. Ben Richards and the 9/11 generation, who understand why we fight, and how we can win."
-William Kristol

Ellison should resign immediately

(Picture Courtesy of Keith Ellison's Congressional website)

We knew the minute that Keith Ellison was elected to Congress that he would cause trouble. Lo and behold, Ellison has now made an unforgiveable remark: a comparison between Hitler and President George W. Bush.

A good Muslim, if there are any left, would certainly blame the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on Islamic fanatics. 19 Islamists killed over 3,000 Americans and destroyed the Twin Towers. There should be no factual dispute there.

To even imply that President George W. Bush might have played a role in the attacks is utterly absurd. In the words of Elizabeth Edwards, comments like that have no place in American political discourse.

Just like Don Imus was forced to leave his radio post, now Keith Ellison should be forced to resign as a United States Congressman. We cannot trust a man who says and believes such utter bunk to be a leader in our Country.

According to the UK's telegram, here is part of what Ellison said. Please see link for full article:

Addressing a gathering of atheists in his home state of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, a Democrat, compared the 9/11 atrocities to the destruction of the Reichstag, the German parliament, in 1933. This was probably burned down by the Nazis in order to justify Hitler's later seizure of emergency powers.
"It's almost like the Reichstag fire, kind of reminds me of that," Mr Ellison said. "After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the Communists for it, and it put the leader [Hitler] of that country in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted."


Please write letters to Mr. Ellison demanding that he step down from his office.

Friday, July 6, 2007

The Surge: Some Success

Is the surge working? Should we ask Pete Domenici for the answer to that?

No. Here is what the commander of coalition forces in central Iraq, Major General Rick Lynch, has said according to the Agence France-Presse.

The AFP reported that Lynch “said the addition of thousands more ‘surge’ troops in recent weeks had enabled him to clear 70 percent of his territory south of Baghdad of insurgents.” (AFP, July 6, 2007, “US exit from Iraq would be a ‘mess’;general”)

Also, the AFP reported that “Under the surge, Lynch said his forces had killed about 50 insurgents and detained about 200 more, including ‘high value’ ones, while uncovering more than 40 weapons caches.”

This is the kind of success that should be reported more often

Happy Birthday Mr. President

Happy Birthday President Bush! You are our hero. We salute you. Keep up the good work.
(Picture from

Defeat John Kerry in 2008 Election for Senate

(Picture from John Kerry's Senate website)

After hearing about Domenici being up for re-election in New Mexico, my thoughts turned toward the greatest of liberal bastions: Massachusetts. Republicans have a huge chance to oust John Kerry. He has made blunder after blunder and it seems like he is vulnerable enough to beat.
This blog is committed to seeing a Republican take his seat. Or worst case scenario, see another Democrat challenge him in the Democratic primary and win.
For the next couple of weeks and months, this blog will re-cap John Kerry's career and make the argument against his re-election.
All Massachusetts residents please stay tuned.

Republican Weakness

(picture from Domenici's Senate website)

It's becoming extremely popular for Republicans to turn their back on the President. Some say it's a sign of an independent mind. Others say it's brave to dissent from the party. In the case of the most recent example, Senator Pete V. Domenici of New Mexico, it's a sign of weakness. He is simply afraid of losing his seat and doesn't want to do the right thing.

The right thing of course is to stay in Iraq. Yes, it's a horrible situation. All War is. At the same time though, if we pull out, the terrorists will take over Iraq and will have a complete nation to use at their disposal. They will be able to train and build operations there. How convenient, especially with Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia so close to help fund, supply, and train them.

The surge hasn't been giving a fair chance yet and the mainstream media does not have the journalistic integrity to report both the positive and negative developments. They prefer to dwell on the negative stories.
Domenici's sudden reversal from staunch supporter of Bush to abandonment is curiously timed. In a New York Times article by Carl Hulse, "G.O.P. Support for Iraq Policy Erodes Further," it is noted that Domenici is up for re-election next year.
Another Republican Senator Susan Collins (of Maine) hinted at similar feelings. She is quoted in the Times as saying, "It is very troubling to many of us that the Iraq government appears to be making little or no progress toward political reconciliation." Coincidentally she is also up for re-election in 2008.
Let's look at other Republicans who have dropped support for the President and the War in Iraq.
-Senator Richard G. Lugar of Indiana
-Senator George V. Voinovich of Ohio
-Senator John W. Warner of Virginia- up for re-election in 2008

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Hope in Our Time

(picture from

"Greatness comes not when things go always good for you, but the greatness comes when you are really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, when sadness comes, because only if you have been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain."
-President Richard M. Nixon

$1250 haircut helps the War on Poverty

More damaging information is revealed concerning the spending habits of John Edwards. Everyone thought $400 was a lot for a haircut. Now his hair stylist, Joseph Torrenueva, has said that Edwards paid $1,250 for a haircut during the 2004 Presidential campaign.

Edwards had Torrenueva fly from California to Atlanta just for this pricey endeavor. Torrenueva missed two days of work.

No offense to Edwards or Torrenueva, but Edwards's hair doesn't look that impressive nor does his style appear that hard to maintain.

Just think of how many poor people could be fed by that $1250. If about 30 dollars was spent on each person for a day, about 40 people could have been fed.

My barber from home could have given Edwards the same haircut for 15 bucks.

What are your priorities?

(Picture from AP, courtesy of Fox News)

Son of former Vice-President Al Gore was arrested on Wednesday for driving 100 mph and possessing marijuana and several prescription drugs for which he had no prescription.

Al Gore III, the son of privilege, was also arrested during his days at Harvard University for marijuana possession.

This incident begs the question: Was Al Gore spending enough time raising his son? Maybe he gave too much attention to his politics and his issue of global warming to keep his son on the straight and narrow path.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Go back to school Jesse Jackson Jr.

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has called President Bush's commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence, a "crime against the Constitution."

Either Jackson doesn't know how to read or he never read the Constitution. Please see Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution.

It explicitly says that the President "shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."

In the case of Scooter Libby, Bush thought jail time was an unfitting and overly harsh punishment. He has full Constitutional authority to do what he did. Other Presidents have given similar reprieves and pardons.

Someone please teach Jesse Jackson Jr. how to read or show him a copy of the Constitution.

History Refresher

The Democrats are already complaining about President Bush's commutation of Scooter Libby's jail sentence. Just to remind readers, here is a list of all of former President Clinton's pardons:

Monday, July 2, 2007

Libby Free

In a bold move, it looks like George W. Bush has commuted the two and a half year prison sentence of Scooter Libby. This should be a very unpopular decision yet it was the right decision. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald failed to go after the real CIA leaker: Richard Armitage. Instead Fitzgerald went after Libby, a man who has served the public generously in many capacities. Good move Mr. President. We are proud of you.,2933,287780,00.html

Great Composers

(, Picture from Virtual Finland website produced by Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland)

In an effort to edify readers and promote Western Civilization at the same time, this blog will focus on a number of artists and composers who impacted Western Civilization in a positive manner.

Today we will discuss the great Finnish composer, Jean Sibelius. Sibelius was born in 1865. The place pictured above, Ainola, was his home, where he spent most of his waking moments. At one point in his life, not only was he a national hero in Finland, but in America, he was being likened to Beethoven.

His music reflected the natural beauty of Finland: the trees, the fresh air, the climate, and the animals. In fact, the Fifth Symphony was called the "swan hymn" by Sibelius. This piece was about an experience of Sibelius in which he witnessed 16 swans soaring in the air. Sibelius writes how this was "One of my greatest experiences!" In many of his other works, he tried to use the sound of nature as a model for his music. He wanted to musically notate the sounds he heard in the forest near his house.

From a political perspective, his music promoted the independence of Finland. As the music critic for the New Yorker, Alex Ross, put it, Sibelius "played a symbolic but active role in the drive toward Finnish independence, which was finally achieved in 1917." Ross comments on how "Finns quickly appropriated the Second as an emblem of national liberation."

As a composer, he was very self critical. Never happy with his work, he would often create music and then quickly dispose of it and make changes. As Alex Ross writes, "As the revisions of the Fifth show, he looked at his own creations with a merciless eye, slashing away at them as if they were scribblings of an inept student."

To Sibelius, as with many musicians, music was a deeply personal venture. He described it as a "confession of faith."

He often felt alone and used alcohol to assuage the pain of his lonely profession. He was also plagued with health problems.

During his composition of the Fourth Symphony, he was undergoing surgery for a tumor in his throat. Facing the fear of death came the dark and forbidden sounds so characteristic of the Fourth.

Throughout his career, he wrote 7 symphonies.

Ross Alex, "Apparition in the Woods: Rescuing Sibelius from Silence," The New Yorker, July 9, 2007

The Deaf Press

For some reason, members of the liberal press including Chris Matthews are incapable of hearing every sentence that Ann Coulter writes or speaks. Instead, they have selective hearing:they hear what they want to hear and forget the rest.

In the case of Coulter, it's politically expedient to isolate sentences that alone sound really bad but when taken in context, they are reasonable and witty remarks.

To correct the record, Ann Coulter never said she wanted John Edwards assasinated. Here is what she did say:

"But about the same time, you know, Bill Maher was not joking and saying he wished Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack--so I've learned my lesson: If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."

She was basically saying that her previous comments about Edwards were not nearly as bad as Maher's comments and Maher faced little to no criticism. She is pointing out a huge double standard in political free speech.

I would tell those who interpreted Coulter's comments differently to go back to school and re-learn the English language and grammer, but unfortunately schools these days teach the way the mainstream media has learned.

Greatest of Liberal Standardized Tests: LSAT

Liberals struck at me again this weekend upon receipt of my sub-par LSAT score. They think they won. I have news for them. They haven't. Here's why: I am taking it again. Worst case scenario, I won't do better and I give LSAC more work to do. Best case scenario, I do much better and I still give LSAC more work to do. Either way, I want to make the lives of the liberals at LSAC worse off. Either way, I will accomplish my goal. :-)

JFK on the Fairness Doctrine

"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." -- John F. Kennedy

Friday, June 29, 2007

Win for Fairness in Education

The "Supreme Court declared Thursday that public school systems cannot seek to achieve or maintain integration through measures that take explicit account of a student's race." (New York Times, "Justices Limit the Use of Race in School Plans for Integration," Linda Greenhouse, 6/29/07)

5-4 decision

re: programs in Seattle & Louisville, KY

Majority: Chief Justice John G. Roberts
Antonin Scalia
Clarence Thomas
Samuel Alito
Anthony Kennedy

Dissent: Stephen Breyer
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
David Souter
John Paul Stevens

"The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."
-Chief Justice John Roberts

Vigilant London

London has once again proven very adept at thwarting terrorist attacks. Here is the most recent example:,,70131-1272910,00.html

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Welcome to Winds of Change. This blog is purely designed to promote freedom in the Middle East, promote Western Civilization, and defend you against liberals and all their machinations. I am an American who considers his country the greatest country in the world. I believe America is a force for good. I am also a Christian and believe in an all-powerful God who created us.
America is faced with many problems:
a) Dangerous world due to the current state of the Middle East
b) A liberal ethos pervading America

B) basically allows A) and the terrorists to infiltrate America. This is a huge problem. People who sympathize with terrorists are infiltrating our education system, intelligence agencies, and other government posts. This needs to be stopped and exposed. This Blog will try to play a role in combatting Islamists and all that they stand for.

Please feel free to comment on future postings. Be honest and be critical. I enjoy a good argument.