Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Barack Spends His Time E-mailing a Woman That Isn't His Wife


So instead of brushing up on his history or maybe learning more about Iraq, Barack Obama is spending his valuable time in frequent e-mail correspondence with the lovely Scarlett Johansson, a famous actress and fundraiser for the Senator.

While this blog doesn't dispute Johansson's natural beauty or her interest in politics, we do take issue with whether this type of communication is appropriate for a married man.

Sure, Johansson raised a lot of money for Barack and he should thank her for her efforts. Maybe an e-mail or two would suffice. This frequent communication though is highly inappropriate. Obama has a wife and two kids. Married men should not be e-mailing attractive actresses just for fun.

I would be interested to hear what Michelle Obama thinks of this. Did she know this was happening? Is she ok with it? Most woman get jealous quickly and Michelle probably isn't an exception.

During the primaries, Obama called for "change." He wanted to be a different kind of candidate than those of the past. (cough, cough)... Bill Clinton...(cough, cough). Yet, here, his behavior is oddly reminiscent of Mr. Clinton.

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