Thursday, June 12, 2008

VP Search Committees?

Does anyone find these VP "Search Committees" unnecessary? Can't the nominee just look at the facts and backgrounds himself and decide without input from 3 random people?

Or at the bare minimum, if there had to be a "Search Committee," wouldn't you want people on it who know Barack well and would pick a good match for the ticket? Maybe Michelle Obama or David Axelrod would be more qualified to make the VP selection.

One member of Obama's VP committee, Jim Johnson, has stepped down. Charles Hurt and Geoff Earle from the New York Post write:

Democratic heavyweight Jim Johnson, who got personal loans at favorable
rates as a close "friend" of Countrywide Financial chief Angelo Mozilo, stepped
down from the panel Obama put together last week to help him find a running

"Jim did not want to distract in any way from the very important task of
gathering information about my vice-presidential nominee, so he has made a
decision to step aside that I accept," Obama said in a statement yesterday,
announcing the move.

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