Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ellison Bullying Barack

Fox News reports today that it was Congressman Keith Ellison who pressured Barack Obama to apologize to "two Muslim women booted from the front lines of a public appearance by the Democratic presidential candidate."

Apparently, he didn't do it in a tender way either. "Congressional sources indicated that Ellison's exchange with Obama was so intense that CBC Chairwoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Mich., had to intervene and attempted to gavel down Ellison."

Geez. Ellison's reaction was kind of extreme eh? Obama's campaign was rude to those women. It shouldn't have happened and an apology should have been issued. But why is Ellison going nuts over this? Is this indicative of the level of Ellison's radicalization?

I wish Ellison cared about oil prices as much. Or the economy. Or supporting the troops in Iraq.

What's worse, is that Obama caved into Ellison's pressure. If Ellison can do this, I can't even imagine what Ahmadinejad could extract from a President Obama.

Something to lose sleep over.

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